With just a little over two weeks to go, the team at AllMojo Management is busy getting ready for the 30th edition of this world-wide phenomenon. When AllMojo Founder Stephen Easley joined with a few of his friends who love music to help the team from the Austin Chronicle put on a Southwest-flavored conference in the mold of the New Music Seminar, little did any of us dream that it would grow from a small regional music conference that less than 500 Austinites and friends attended that first year, to the awe-inspiring film, technology, sports, education and music extravaganza that drew nearly 500,000 people to Austin last year from literally all over the world. The only things that seemed to have remained the same are SXSW Founder Nic Barbaro's enthusiasm and quiet guidance, the great fun and networking at the SXSW Softball tournament, and the amazing music delivered by some of the most creative and passionate musicians anywhere.
AllMojo's team will not only be managing the Mixed Media Mongrels, one of the most successful SXSW Softball teams, but we will be working hard to develop new opportunities for our artists. A key to that effort will be hosting for the 30th year the Unofficial/Official SXSW Kickoff Party on March 15th, joining with partners BMG, The Buddy Holly Educational Foundation, and the good folks from Blind Ambition Management to honor the music and legacy of Texas' favorite son Buddy Holly, by showcasing fabulous artists selected by the hosts. Right now, AllMojo clients The Bruce Smith Band and Shark Rider are scheduled to play the upstairs stage for a mix of music industry professionals, filmmakers, technologists, and friends from Austin. If you would like to join Becky, Courtney and Stephen at the party, or schedule a meeting during SXSW week, just drop us a note from the contact page and we will see what we can do - we are pretty full and over-scheduled, but we'd like to get to know you. Let the SXSW Madness commence!